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We are proud to announce the launch of our luxury goods section that features various global brands. Brands such as Celine, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Balenciaga, and many others are made available. Viewers can expect to see a variety of products from handbags to t-shirts and shoes.

Our products are mainly European brands sourced by our partners in genuine department stores, boutique stores, and office stores. Viewers can expect to find foreign products available on our platform that are not attainable locally in Malaysia. Our team of experts has carefully studied the plethora of products available and selected items to suit our viewers.
Every product sold by AME will come with official documentation from the brand, such as an invoice and certificate of authenticity and an official invoice from AME. We manage all the purchasing and logistical hassle for you. All you have to do is select the product that you want and make a purchase.

Something Digital is coming; stay tuned on our website, Facebook and Instagram for more information.

Suppose you have any questions or would like to obtain more information. In that case, you can contact us via Facebook, Instagram or Whatsapp.

Check out our Latest Luxury Items Today!!

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